Welcome to Forest Ave Home and School

On behalf of the Home and School Association, welcome back to another great year at Forest Avenue Elementary! We are looking forward to meeting new families and reconnecting with returning families as we kick off this 2023-2024 school year.

Our Mission

Our mission is to enhance the Forest Avenue Elementary School experience for all children making it the best it can be. Through fundraising efforts and family events, we work collaboratively with Forest Avenue’s parents, teachers, faculty and students to help fund activities, cultural opportunities and enhance teachers’ funds for their classroom. We take an active role in planning and implementing a full calendar of activities and cultural events that promote school spirit, community, family and fun.


We are fortunate to have many wonderful parent volunteers, but we still need you! Getting involved in the Home and School is a great way to meet other parents at school and get connected to your child’s educational community. Please consider coming to a meeting to hear about upcoming events and learn how you can help. Our meeting dates for this school year are noted under upcoming events.  We understand how busy everyone is so if you can't make a meeting feel free to reach out or visit our Facebook page to see all the opportunities to be involved.  


Home and School information will be sent out through our school’s weekly announcements which you can sign up for on the Forest Ave Elementary website: https://sites.google.com/a/hudson.k12.ma.us/hps/parents-students/hps-listserv

We encourage you to review the weekly announcements each week, you will see the Home and School updates and upcoming events. We will also continue to update our website to communicate monthly meeting minutes, upcoming events and activities, volunteer opportunities, and other news. We are also on Facebook. We will be posting a lot of helpful information there as well so please keep an eye out!

Please join us throughout the school year to make this a fun and memorable year! If you have any questions or suggestions about Home and School activities, please let us know by reaching out to us at forestavehsa@gmail.com


Forest Avenue Home and School Officers
Raquel Marotta, President

Allie Wordwell - Vice President

Angela McAuliffe-  Treasurer

Annette Hermann & Jenn Lewis - Co-Secretaries

News & Happenings:

Dear Forest Avenue Community,  

Many parents have expressed an interest in contributing to and receiving an online directory to connect with other parents of Forest Avenue students. The idea is to offer a way to communicate for reasons such as party invitations, play dates and more. If you are interested in adding your contact information to the parent directory, please fill out the online submission form by November 10th.

This directory is published for the private use of Forest Avenue Elementary School families. By submitting your information you are agreeing to the terms that this directory is for the personal use of the authorized reader and cannot be shared or duplicated. Under no circumstances is the directory information to be used for sales, solicitations, or any other commercial purpose.

Should you have any questions or concerns, please contact us at Forest Avenue Home & School Association forestavehsa@gmail.com

Forest Avenue Home & School Association

English Parent Directory


Estimada comunidad de Forest Avenue,

Muchos padres han expresado su interés en contribuir y recibir un directorio en línea para conectarse con otros padres de estudiantes de Forest Avenue. La idea es ofrecer una manera de comunicarse por razones como invitaciones a fiestas, cita para jugar y más. Si está interesado(a) en agregar su información de contacto al directorio principal, complete el formulario de envío en línea antes del 10 de Noviembre.

Este directorio está publicado para uso privado de las familias de la Escuela Primaria Forest Avenue. Al enviar su información, acepta los términos de que este directorio es para uso personal del lector autorizado y no puede compartirse ni duplicarse. En ningún caso la información del directorio se utilizará para ventas, solicitudes o cualquier otro propósito comercial.

Si tiene alguna pregunta o inquietud, comuníquese con forestavehsa@gmail.com

 Espanol Directorio de Estudiantes 


Cara Comunidade da Forest Avenue,

Muitos pais manifestaram interesse em contribuir e receber um diretório on-line para se conectar com outros pais de alunos da Forest Avenue. A idéia é oferecer uma maneira de se comunicarem por motivos como convites para festas, convites para brincar e outros. Se você estiver interesado(a) em adicionar suas informações de contato ao diretório principal, preencha o formulário de envio on-line até o dia 10 de Novembro.

Este diretório foi publicado para uso privado das famílias da Escola Primária Forest Avenue. Ao enviar suas informações, você concorda com os termos em que este diretório é para uso pessoal do leitor autorizado e não pode ser compartilhado ou duplicado. Sob nenhuma circunstância as informações do diretório devem ser usadas para vendas, solicitações ou qualquer outra finalidade comercial.

Se você tiver alguma dúvida ou preocupação, entre em contato com forestavehsa@gmail.com

Português Diretório de Alunos

Information about activities can be found at Activities and Events 2022-2023.