Update from Mr. Champigny, Principal

Forest Avenue Families,

With the end of the school year coming so quickly I want to take this opportunity to reflect on the incredible journey that our students have taken this year. From the classroom to the playground, while engaging in academics, or enjoying a school wide assembly, our students have done an amazing job this year and grown so much! Thank you to the students for all of your hard work, dedication, kindness, and enthusiasm. I know that I can speak for the entire staff when I say we are proud of you.

I also want to take this opportunity to say thank you to the parents of our Home & School Association for all of their hard work. Once again, they have done an outstanding job in support of our school community. Thank you to our board members for their leadership and support: Raquel Moratta (President), Allie Wardwell (Vice President), Anette Hermann and Jennifer Lewis (Co-Secretaries), and Angela McAuliffe (Treasurer). They provided us with so many memorable events this year including the Fun Run, the Book Fair, Bingo Night, Hudson’s Got Talent Junior, and Fun Day just to name a few. Thanks to their fundraising efforts, and your generosity, they were able to fund all student field trips and events. On behalf of our entire staff, I also want to thank them for an amazing Teacher Appreciation Week along with all of the other kind gestures and the support that they have provided to our school community throughout the year!

In closing, I want to congratulate the members of our fourth grade class. It has been a pleasure serving as your Principal. I look forward to celebrating all of your hard work and success during our Budding Scholars Ceremony. I wish all of you the best of luck as you begin your middle school journey.

I hope that everyone has a safe and enjoyable summer vacation and I look forward to doing it all over again next fall!


David Champigny

Mr. Champigny